Ind 71

Historic Indiana 73

Ind 75

Joliet Street (Lincoln Highway), Shererville

← about 3 Miles →

Ridge road, Highland

City Served:


About Ind 73:

When Broad Street was first signed as Indiana 73, it connected US 30 and Indiana 6 with Griffith, a railroad town with six different rail lines which met at where Indiana 73 crossed them. As the southern terminus road changed from US 30 to Indiana 330 to Joliet Street, US 6 moved to the Tri-State Highway and the number of rail lines serving Griffith dropped from six to two; the road's importance dropped until, on September 26, 1969; the road was decommissioned.

Southern Terminus: Broad Street and Joliet Street, Shererville

View looking north on Broad Street. The road goes through some swampland, and is actually quite narrow before the railroad crossing. It wouldn't surprise me if they figured out the cost of bringing the road up to standards wasn't worth the benefits of doing so.

photo by Don Hargraves; up April 30, 2003

View looking at the intersection of Broad Street and Joliet Road, formerly US 30 and Indiana 330, routing of the Lincoln Highway. There are plenty of Serbian Orthodox in Northwest Indiana (the church in front of us and to the left is a Serbian Orthodox church), many of whom came for work in the Iron Factories that dominated the Lake Michigan lakeshore.

photo by Don Hargraves; up April 30, 2003

Northern Terminus: Broad Street at Ridge Road, Highland.

View looking south from Ridge Road. While this view doesn't show much of what's ahead, you can see some signs towards the right that set the present-day truck-weight limits.

photo by Don Hargraves; up April 30, 2003

View looking north on Broad Street to Ridge Road.

photo by Don Hargraves; up April 30, 2003

Ind 71


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Ind 75

©2003, Indiana Highway Ends
Page put online: April 30, 2003
Last Updated: April 30, 2003