
In the Wings:

Roads all over the South, Southeast and Eastern sections of the state.

Dec. 1, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 5, 55, 58, 63, 118, and 550.
Added pictures to Indiana 17, 19, 21, 22.
Added or changed information for Indiana 19, 21, 39, 133 and US 24.
Changed the page for US 136 so as to include information about Indiana 34.
Other small changes made throughout the site.

Nov. 21, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana, 164, 229, 238, 350, and 441.
Added pictures to US 136 and 224.
Made and added "throwback" signs for decommissioned and historical routes.

Nov. 4, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 48.
Added pictures to Indiana 19, 101, 121, and 129
Added Barry Camp's signs to all 1XX route pages.

Oct. 30, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 19.
Added pictures to Indiana 46 and US/Indiana 112
Adjusted pictures for Indiana 46, US/Indiana 112 and US 136.

Oct. 26, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 32, 116, 213, 225, 246, 264 and 267.
Added pictures to Indiana 218
Added Barry Camp's signs to all 2XX route pages.

Oct. 12, 2003:

Added pictures to US 12
Also tried out Barry Camps (and some adjusted) signs for a couple of pages

Sept. 21, 2003:

Added pictures to Indiana 227, 827 and 912
Also added and changed information for Indiana 912

Sept. 10, 2003:

Did adjustments to pages from Indiana 312 to 933.
Added pages for Ind 67, 212 and 218.
Added pictures to I-94, and Indiana 23
Added and changed information for 912

August 26, 2003:

Changed servers (again).
Did adjustments to US and Interstate pages. Changes will distribute themselves along the State pages as time and changes permit.

August 19, 2003:

Added pages for Ind 28 and 912.
Added or changed pictures to I-74, US 31 and US/Indiana 152

August 6, 2003:

Added new pages for US 40, 50, and 231.
Added pictures to Indiana 2 and 10, US 36 and US/Indiana 152.
Added a couple of questions and answers to my Q-n-A page

August 4, 2003:

Added pictures for Indiana 4 and 101, US/Indiana 152, and Interstate 465.

July 10, 2003:

Added a new page for US 224 and Ind 727.
Added pictures for US 27 and 33

June 18, 2003:

Added a new page for Interstate 64, 65, and 265.
Changed wording to a question on my Q-n-A page

June 1, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 520, and Interstates 465 and 865.
Added pictures to Indiana 330 and 827.

May 26, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 21, 22, 26, 44, 121, 122, 227 and 252.
Added information to Indiana 120

May 13, 2003:

Added pictures for Indiana 13, US 131, and Interstate 69.

May 8, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 124, 201, 216, and 316.
Changed information for Indiana 120

April 30, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 13 and 73.
Added Pictures to Indiana 101, 219 and Interstate 90.
Other corrections and page changes.

April 22, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 2, 17, 313, and I-294
Added Pictures to Indiana 53, 127 and 312.
Added a question and answer to the Q-n-A page.

April 13, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 10, 106, 117, and 133.
Added Pictures to Indiana 23 and 331.
Added a question and answer to the Q-n-A page.

April 10, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 123, and 223.
Added Pictures to US 12, 20 and 41, and Indiana 110
Changed information to Indiana 4.

April 7, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana/US 6, and Indiana 39.
Added information on Indiana 119
Added links and reorganized the links page
Changed some code in a few pages.

April 4, 2003:

Added pages for Interstate 94 and Indiana 53, 157 and 420.
Added new pictures and information to Indiana 104.

March 31, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 319.
Added new pictures and information to Indiana 119 and 120.

March 29, 2003:

Added pages for Interstates 69 and 865, and for Indiana 71.
Added new pictures and information to US/Indiana 152, and for Indiana 4 and 109.

March 23, 2003:

Added pages for Indiana 119, 219 and 331.

March 16, 2003:

Added pages for Interstate 80 and 90, US/Indiana 152 and for Indiana 930.
Added new pictures and information to Indiana 4 and Indiana 933.
Changed information about US 136 and the southern section of Indiana 101.

March 13, 2003:

Added pages for US 24 and 421, and for Ind 49 and 143.
Added new pictures to US 20.
Changed US 112 page to include information about Indiana 112.

March 6, 2003:

Added pages for US 27 and for Ind 3, 4, 249 and 312 pages.
Added new picture to US 33.

March 3, 2003:

Added pages for US 20, 30 and 41; and for Ind 110, 141, and 330 pages.
Added new picture to US 12.
Changed information for US 52 and Ind 101 (yes, again!).
Did further changes to my Q-n-A page.

Feb 27, 2003:

Added Indiana 127 page.
Added a scan of an old postcard to US 33.
Changed information for US 31, Ind 101 and Ind 129.

Feb 23, 2003:

Added Indiana 23, 104 and 933.
Added US 12, 31, 33(with correction Feb 24th) and 131.
Added an observation to The Q-n-A Page.

Feb 22, 2003:

Added historical ending pictures to US 36 and US 136
Added pictures to The Q-n-A Page.

Feb 18, 2003:

Added Ind 46, 101, 109, 129, and 140.

Feb 12, 2003:

Added Ind 120 and Ind 827
Did a couple of small tweaks over the whole site.

Feb 9, 2003:

Pages officially posted.
I-74, US-52 and US-112* pages up.

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